VTI - Complaint and Compliment Policy

Make a formal complaint about VTI ltd

To make a complaint

  1. form -see below
  2. Send your completed complaint form to:


Or complete the online form as per below

If you need more information on the complaints process contact us on 6966051

What happens next?

When a complaint is received the information provided is first verified and confirmed to establish that a complaint actually exists. This might be in the form of a signed complaint form or some type of verifiable independent evidence. We will then contact YOU to explain the nature of the complaint and ask for a response/detail. Throughout the investigation both parties [you and the management]ill be kept fully informed].

Will the provider know that I have made a complaint?

Generally, yes. In order to make a fair decision the vti board writes to the manager to inform it that a formal complaint has been made once the information provided has been verified. The letter includes a summary of the complaint and states who made the complaint. The provider is asked to respond. This helps the VTI board look at the complaint with information from all parties and make a balanced decision.

Occasionally, there are circumstances where a complainant feels there may be repercussions if the provider is given his or her name. If you want your name to be confidential, then you must indicate this in the Formal Complaint Form. Please note that vti ltd board does not investigate anonymous complaints.

What happens if the vti board upholds my complaint?

If vti ’s board investigation shows that the provider’s policies and procedures have not been followed or that they were not applied fairly, you can use the information from the investigation to try to reach a solution with the provider. If that is not possible, you can try other avenues, such as the, MQA ,Ministry of education or other appropriate means

VTI ltd board does not get directly involved in negotiations between you and the provider for issues such as refunds or other forms of compensation.
However, board can require that the provider take certain actions in accordance with the legislation.

Formal Complaint Form

1 Providers details

I would like to make a formal complaint to VTI board about ……………………………………



My relationship to the private training establishment is ………………………….

(eg student, staff member). Please give details of your position and/or any relevant

programmes you are or have been enrolled on (if applicable):

2 Your details

(NB: you must provide this information before board can consider your complaint. If you

wish your name to be confidential, indicate this requirement in Section 6, but still provide

details in this section.)

Name(s) of complainant:

Contact details: (if the complaint is from a group, please provide details for one key contact

person only).

Postal address:

Phone number:

Email address:

3 Type of complaint

Please tick the main type(s) of issue(s) your complaint relates to:

Course information,

publicity or advertising


Entry and selection


Enrolment procedures

Cost information or

procedures relating to

financial matters

Student support and


Programme content Programme delivery Programme structure



Assessment information

and processes

Other (please give details


4 Complaint details

Write the details of your complaint as clearly as possible below. Try to give specific

examples that support your complaint and provide facts such as dates, times and places. Use

extra pages if necessary.

5 Supporting documents

Please attach any documents that support your complaint and list these below.

You must include a copy of your original complaint to the provider.

Depending on the nature of your complaint you could include copies of the

provider’s response, other correspondence, notes from meetings, publicity material,

invoices etc. Use extra pages if necessary.

6 Authorisation

You must sign this in order for board to consider your complaint. Please tick the relevant

boxes and sign below.

Yes 1 No 1 I confirm that I have attempted to follow the internal complaints

procedure of the provider and have given it the opportunity to resolve my complaint before

lodging this complaint with board. (This only applies if the complainant is a student.)

Yes 1 No 1 I authorise board to inform the provider of my name(s).

I authorise board to proceed with investigating my complaint.

Your signature(s):


Please post the completed form and other evidence to:



Making a formal complaint about a provider

Top of Form


Preferred method of contact

Email address

Phone number

Fax number

Postal address

Name of Provider

Provider registration number: (if known)

What is your complaint about this provider?

VTI - Vocational Training Institute
  • Address : 99, John Kennedy Avenue, Vacoas, Mauritius
  • Tel : (+230) 696 6051
  • Fax : (+230) 696 2062
  • Email : vti@intnet.mu
Opening Hours
Monday ➜ Friday : From 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m Saturday : From 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m

For Registration, please bring along original Birth Certificate / I.D, Educational Certificates and a Registration Fee of Rs. 100.

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